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CLI Tool

The SMS Gateway for Android™ offers its own Command Line Interface (CLI), allowing you to integrate it into your processes without writing any code - simply execute CLI commands!


The recommended way to install the CLI is by downloading the latest version from GitHub for your platform. After downloading, place the executable in a directory within your system's PATH.

For example, on Linux or macOS:

mv /path/to/downloaded/smsgate /usr/local/bin/smsgate
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/smsgate


The CLI can be configured using environment variables or command-line flags. You can also use a .env file in the working directory to set these variables.

Available options

Option Env Var Description Default value
--endpoint, -e ASG_ENDPOINT The endpoint URL
--username, -u ASG_USERNAME Your username required
--password, -p ASG_PASSWORD Your password required
--format, -f n/a Output format text

Output formats

The CLI supports three output formats:

  • text - human-readable format
  • json - formatted JSON output
  • raw - same as json but without formatting

Please note that when the exit code is not 0, the error description is printed to stderr without any formatting.


The CLI offers two main groups of commands:

  • Messages: Commands for sending messages and checking their status.
  • Webhooks: Commands for managing webhooks, including creating, updating, and deleting them.

Messages Commands

Send a Message

The send command allows you to send a message to one or more phone numbers.


smsgate send [options] 'Message content'


Option Description Default Value Example
--id A unique message ID. If not provided, one will be automatically generated. empty zXDYfTmTVf3iMd16zzdBj
--phone, --phones, -p Specifies the recipient's phone number(s). This option can be used multiple times or accepts comma-separated values. Numbers must be in E.164 format. required +19162255887
--sim, --simNumber The one-based SIM card slot number. If not specified, the device's SIM rotation feature will be used. empty 2
--ttl Time-to-live (TTL) for the message. If not provided, the message will not expire.
Conflicts with --validUntil.
empty 1h30m
--validUntil The expiration date and time for the message. If not provided, the message will not expire.
Conflicts with --ttl.
empty 2024-12-31T23:59:59Z

Get the Status of a Message

The status command retrieves the status of a message using its ID.


smsgate status 'Message ID'

Webhooks Commands

Register a Webhook

The register command allows you to register a new webhook.


smsgate webhooks register [options] URL


Option Description Default Value Example
--id A unique webhook ID. If not provided, one will be automatically generated. empty zXDYfTmTVf3iMd16zzdBj
--event, -e The event name for which the webhook will be triggered. required sms:received

List Webhooks

The list command displays all registered webhooks.


smsgate webhooks list

Delete a Webhook

The delete command removes a webhook by its ID.


smsgate webhooks delete 'Webhook ID'

Usage examples

For security reasons, it is recommended to pass credentials using environment variables or a .env file.

# Send a message
smsgate send --phone '+19162255887' 'Hello, Dr. Turk!'

# Send a message to multiple numbers
smsgate send --phone '+19162255887' --phone '+19162255888' 'Hello, doctors!'
# or
smsgate send --phones '+19162255887,+19162255888' 'Hello, doctors!'

# Get the status of a sent message
smsgate status zXDYfTmTVf3iMd16zzdBj

# Register a webhook for received messages
smsgate webhooks register --event 'sms:received' ''

# List all registered webhooks
smsgate webhooks list

# Delete a webhook
smsgate webhooks delete 'webhook-id'

Credentials can also be passed via CLI options:

# Pass credentials by options
smsgate send -u <username> -p <password> \
    --phone '+19162255887' 'Hello, Dr. Turk!'

If you prefer not to install the CLI tool locally, you can use Docker to run it:

docker run -it --rm --env-file .env \
    send --phone '+19162255887' 'Hello, Dr. Turk!'

Exit codes

The CLI uses exit codes to indicate the outcome of operations:

  • 0: success
  • 1: invalid options or arguments
  • 2: server request error
  • 3: output formatting error